
Engi­nee­ring Design Tropism
AAC 17

Summer school in colla­bo­ra­tion with the AA Visi­t­ing Schools. The goal of this work­shop was to analyze the use of algo­rithms as a problem-solving device inte­gra­ted into the design deve­lo­p­ment process. A set of agents were program­med with growth beha­vi­ors and rules in order to become compu­ta­tio­nal design engi­nes subse­quently used to design and digi­tally grow series of archi­tec­tu­ral systems. A feed­back loop system between the input para­me­ters (design decisi­ons and envi­ron­men­tal condi­ti­ons), compu­ta­tio­nal systems and the struc­tu­ral para­me­ters was also imple­men­ted. The aim was to engi­neer speci­fic design scen­a­rios using digi­tal tech­no­lo­gies, digi­tal design pedagogy and full-scale digi­tal fabri­ca­tion stra­te­gies – not by using prede­ter­mi­ned design patterns, but by crea­ting a tool for making instant and real-time design decisi­ons during the growth process. Special atten­tion was paid to the nego­tia­tion between the desi­gner and algorithms.


Andrei Gheorghe, Students


Andrei Gheorghe, Philip Hornung, Christoph Klemmt, Igor Pantic, Vlad Cuc, Olivia Joikits, Atanas Zhelev, Viki Sandor


Carlos Leodegario Rios Toto, David Rüsskamp, Tullio Polisi, Ayax Abreu Garcia, Alexandra Ionesi, Leslie Baz, Karen Kuo, Andreas Peter Domokos, Sorana Chiris, Rudolf Neumerkel, Alen Karic, David Erich Kienpointner, Sibila Bonfanti, Azra Suljkic, Iurii Suchak

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