
Bamboo Sound Shell
Dig Des Fab 16

Semi­nar ‚Digi­tal Design and Full Scale Fabri­ca­tion’ (Dig Des Fab) is taught at Univer­sity of Applied Arts in Vienna, Insti­tute of Archi­tec­ture, Depart­ment of Struc­tu­ral Design during Winter Semes­ter 2016/2017.

This work­shop was run in coope­ra­tion with Feng Chia Univer­sity Taichung (Taiwan) and Buda­pest Univer­sity of Tech­no­logy and Econo­mics (Hungary). A group of inter­na­tio­nal students were invi­ted to Vienna to work on the deve­lo­p­ment of a full-scale design for a piece of urban furni­ture. Bamboo was chosen as a primary struc­tu­ral mate­rial and multi­ple opti­ons for connec­ting the bamboo sticks were tested during the work­shop. While the educa­tio­nal setup follo­wed the gene­ral frame­work semi­nar teaching, two speci­fic aspects were addres­sed in detail: 1) inte­gra­tion of students with various types of inter­na­tio­nal expe­ri­ence in rela­tion to culture, language and tech­no­lo­gi­cal skills and 2) the details of the demo­cra­tic voting process for final design propo­sal were tested and refined.


Andrei Gheorghe


Balint Szabo, Josy Yu, Eric Chen, Nora Ostoroczky, Garvin Goepel, Jonathan Paljor, Gorana Savic

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