
Bending Active Struc­tures
Dig Des Fab 18

Semi­nar ‚Digi­tal Design and Full Scale Fabri­ca­tion’ (Dig Des Fab) is taught at Univer­sity of Applied Arts in Vienna, Insti­tute of Archi­tec­ture, Depart­ment of Struc­tu­ral Design during Winter Semes­ter 2018/2019.

Active-bending is an effi­ci­ent construc­tion tech­ni­que for temporary, free-form struc­tures which has been used since anti­quity. This method exploits the elastic bending of thin elements in order to create curved forms. The semi­nar was based on a rese­arch deve­lo­ped within the univer­sity, propo­sing an al­ter­na­tive active-bending system in which the stif­fen­er­s are embed­ded in the buil­ding compon­ents ­them­sel­ves by intro­du­cing geome­try cons­traints. Thus, an inde­pen­dent rela­tion between the maxi­mum ­cur­vat­ure and the stiff­ness is achie­ved and the resul­ting system faci­li­ta­tes the erec­tion and reusa­bi­lity of temporary structures.


Andrei Gheorghe, Efilena Baseta


Chien-hua Huang, Gakku Jumaniyasova, Godwin Cheung, Juliette Valat, Konstantin Kim, Kieran Tait, Leonard Kern, Valentin Heuweiser, Faez Mirabian, Monika Kalinowska, Denis Karandiuk, Margo Volkova, Simon Schömann, Anders Krogh, Magdalena Gorecka, Anastasia Shesterikova

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