
Co–creation in The Early Design
Dig Des Fab 21

Semi­nar ‚Digi­tal Design and Full Scale Fabri­ca­tion’ (Dig Des Fab) is taught at Univer­sity of Applied Arts in Vienna, Insti­tute of Archi­tec­ture, Depart­ment of Struc­tu­ral Design during Winter Semes­ter 2021/2022.

The semi­nar focu­sed on adop­ting exten­ded reality (XR) tools for colla­bo­ra­tive design of spatial struc­tures without the need of direct inter­ac­tion in CAD soft­ware. A digi­tal–to–physi­cal work­flow was deve­lo­ped and tested with students of the univer­sity. A soft­ware script was distri­bu­ted to all the parti­ci­pants prior to the work­shop in order to maxi­mize time spent on designing the sculp­tures them­sel­ves. A body move­ment was used to design archi­tec­tu­ral objects, thus elimi­na­ting the need for any prior know­ledge of programming or CAD soft­ware. In this scen­a­rio the pre–coded live ratio­na­liz­a­tion feed­back doubled as a real-time consul­ta­tion tool for struc­tu­ral and digi­tal fabri­ca­tion specia­lists, allowing students to perform infor­med design decisi­ons in a seam­less way without the need to switch in between design stage and analy­sis / ratio­na­liz­a­tion stage.


Andrei Gheorghe, Jan Kováříček, Viktoria Tudzharova, Philipp Hornung


Alina Logunova, Arkadii Zavialov, Anna Salakhova, Elizaveta Karpacheva, Tala Sawmeh, Anna Ovchinnikova, Witchiya Jingjit, Alejandro Estrella, Simonas Sutkus, Martin Eichler, Tomaž Roblek, Alma Kelderer, Nikita Ponomarev, Yuqing Li, Gaowei Zhou, Katharina Sauermann, Diana Cuc, Bofan Zhou, Anastasia Smirnova


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